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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Dear ____,

Dear You,

It seems as though my love for you has waned dramatically. A teensy particle of me still misses you, but I've realized (and started to accept) it's your loss buddy. I have been wasting my time fawning over you, and it's taken me a long time to come to that realization. I used to brag to my friends who had crappy dads that you would "take them in" and you were "the best." Letting go of that idea was so very difficult. Sometimes I wish I could find you to scream at you. I could spend all day writing nasty hurtful words that I feel you deserve, yet will never be heard. The anger is useless. It's like throwing a sack of sugar against a wall and expecting it to bounce back. I get nothing out of being angry, but I am getting something out of acceptance. I'm starting to accept that you're the defective one, not me; that I am worthy of being loved; that I can do this (thing called life) without you. We don't deserve each other.

Sincerely, Me

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